Adobe Photoshop لا يحتاج إلى مقدمه او ما شابه لأنه التطبيق الأكثر شهره للتصميم، حيث بإمكانك ان تحسّن تصميمات واجهاتك او ان تتقّن تصميم صور ثلاثية الأبعاد و تحسين إبداعك و التعديل على فيديو إذا اردت !.😄

الإختصارات الأكثر شيوعًا
Free TransformCTRL + T
Decrease Brush Size[
Increase Brush Size]
Decrease Brush Hardness{
Increase Brush Hardness}
Default Foreground/Background colorsD
Switch Foreground/Background colorsX
New layer via copy CTRL + J
New layer via cut Shift + CTRL + J
Add to a selection Any selection tool + Shift-drag
Delete brush or swatch Alt-click brush or swatch
Toggle auto-select with move tool

Cancel any modal dialog window (including the Start Workspace)

Select the first edit field of the tool barEnter
Navigate between fieldsTab
Navigate between fields in opposite directionTab + Shift
Change Cancel to ResetAlt
ازرار الوظائف
Start HelpF1
Show/Hide Brush panelF5
Show/Hide Color panelF6
Show/Hide Layers panelF7
Show/Hide Info panelF8
Show/Hide Actions panelF9
FillShift + F5
Feather SelectionShift + F6
Inverse SelectionShift + F7
أدوات التحديد
Cycle through tools with the same shortcut keyShift-press shortcut key (if Use Shift Key for Tool Switch preference is selected)
Cycle through hidden toolsAlt-click + tool (except Add Anchor Point, Delete Anchor Point, and Convert Point tools)
Move toolV
Rectangular Marquee toolM
Elliptical Marquee toolM
Lasso toolL
Polygonal Lasso toolL
Magnetic Lasso toolL
Magic Wand toolW
Quick Selection toolW
Crop toolC
Slice toolC
Slice Select toolC
Eyedropper toolI
Color Sampler toolI
Ruler toolI
Note toolI
Spot Healing Brush toolJ
Healing Brush toolJ
Patch toolJ
Red Eye toolJ
Brush toolB
Pencil toolB
Color Replacement toolB
Mixer Brush toolB
Clone Stamp toolS
Pattern Stamp toolS
History Brush toolY
Art History Brush toolY
Eraser toolE
Background Eraser toolE
Magic Eraser toolE
Gradient toolG
Paint Bucket toolG
Dodge toolO
Burn toolO
Sponge toolO
Pen toolP
Freeform Pen toolP
Horizontal Type toolT
Vertical Type toolT
Horizontal Type mask toolT
Vertical Type mask toolT
Path Selection toolA
Direct Selection toolA
Rectangle toolU
Rounded Rectangle toolU
Ellipse toolU
Polygon toolU
Line toolU
Custom Shape toolU
Hand toolH
Rotate View toolR
Zoom toolZ
Default Foreground/Background colorsD
Switch Foreground/Background colorsX
Toggle Standard/Quick Mask modesQ
Content-Aware Move toolJ
Perspective Crop toolC
Artboard toolV
Rotate View toolR
Toggle Preserve Transparency/ (forward slash)
Decrease Brush Hardness{
Increase Brush Hardness}
Previous Brush,
Next Brush.
First Brush<
Last Brush>
Cycle through open documentsCTRL + Tab
Switch to previous documentShift + CTRL + Tab
Close a file in Photoshop and open BridgeShift-CTRL-W
Toggle between Standard mode and Quick Mask modeQ
Toggle (forward) between Standard screen mode, Full screen mode with menu bar, and Full screen modeF
Toggle (backward) between Standard screen mode, Full screen mode with menu bar, and Full screen modeShift + F
Toggle (forward) canvas colorSpacebar + F (or right-click canvas background and select color)
Toggle (backward) canvas colorSpacebar + Shift + F
Fit image in windowDouble-click Hand tool
Magnify 100%Double-click Zoom tool or
Ctrl + 1
Switch to Hand tool (when not in text-edit mode)Spacebar
Simultaneously pan multiple documents with Hand toolShift-drag
Switch to Zoom In toolCTRL + spacebar
Switch to Zoom Out toolAlt + spacebar
Move Zoom marquee while dragging with the Zoom toolSpacebar-drag
Apply zoom percentage, and keep zoom percentage box activeShift + Enter in Navigator panel zoom percentage box
Zoom in on specified area of an imageCTRL-drag over preview in Navigator panel
Temporarily zoom into an imageHold down H and then click in the image and hold down the mouse button
Scroll image with Hand toolSpacebar-drag, or drag view area box in Navigator panel
Scroll up or down 1 screenPage Up or Page Down
Scroll up or down 10 unitsShift + Page Up or Page Down
Move view to upper-left corner or lower-right cornerHome or End
Toggle layer mask on/off as rubylith (layer mask must be selected)\ (backslash)
Hold down Ctrl (Windows) or Command (macOS) to scroll left (Page Up) or right (Page Down)
Refine Edge
Open the Refine Edge dialog boxCTRL + Alt + R
Cycle (forward) through preview modesF
Cycle (backward) through preview modesShift + F
Toggle between original image and selection previewX
Toggle between original selection and refined versionP
Toggle radius preview on and offJ
Toggle between Refine Radius and Erase Refinements toolsShift + E
معرض الفلاتر
Apply a new filter on top of selectedAlt-click a filter
Reapply last-used filterCTRL + Alt + F
Open/close all disclosure trianglesAlt-click a disclosure triangle
Change Cancel button to DefaultCTRL
Change Cancel button to ResetAlt
Undo/RedoCTRL + Z
Step forwardCTRL + Shift + Z
Step backwardCTRL + Alt + Z
فلاتر التنعيم
Forward Warp toolW
Reconstruct toolR
Twirl Clockwise toolC
Pucker toolS
Bloat toolB
Push Left toolO
Mirror toolM
Turbulence toolT
Freeze Mask toolF
Thaw Mask toolD
Reverse direction for Bloat, Pucker, Push Left, and Mirror toolsAlt + tool
Continually sample the distortionAlt-drag in preview with Reconstruct tool, Displace, Amplitwist, or Affine mode selected
Decrease/increase brush size by 2, or density, pressure, rate, or turbulent jitter by 1Down Arrow/Up Arrow in Brush Size, Density, Pressure, Rate, or Turbulent Jitter text box
Decrease/increase brush size by 2, or density, pressure, rate, or turbulent jitter by 1Left Arrow/Right Arrow with Brush Size, Density, Pressure, Rate, or Turbulent Jitter slider showing
Cycle through CTRLs on right from topTab
Cycle through CTRLs on right from bottomShift + Tab
Change Cancel to ResetAlt
التعديل على الأدوات
Zoom 2x (temporary)X
Zoom inCTRL + + (plus)
Zoom outCTRL + - (hyphen)
Fit in viewCTRL + 0 (zero), Double-click Hand tool
Zoom to center at 100%Double-click Zoom tool
Increase brush size (Brush, Stamp tools)]
Decrease brush size (Brush, Stamp tools)[
Increase brush hardness (Brush, Stamp tools)Shift + ]
Decrease brush hardness (Brush, Stamp tools)Shift + [
Undo last actionCTRL + Z
Redo last actionCTRL + Shift + Z
Deselect allCTRL + D
Hide selection and planesCTRL + H
Move selection 1 pixelArrow keys
Move selection 10 pixelsShift + arrow keys
CopyCTRL + C
PasteCTRL + V
Repeat last duplicate and moveCTRL + Shift + T
Create a floating selection from the current selectionCTRL + Alt + T
Fill a selection with image under the pointerCTRL-drag
Create a duplicate of the selection as a floating selectionCTRL + Alt-drag
Constrain selection to a 15° rotationAlt + Shift to rotate
Select a plane under another selected planeCTRL-click the plane
Create 90 degree plane off parent planeCTRL-drag
Delete last node while creating planeBackspace
Make a full canvas plane, square to the cameraDouble-click the Create Plane tool
نافذة Camera Raw
Zoom toolZ
Hand toolH
White Balance toolI
Color Sampler toolS
Crop toolC
Straighten toolA
Spot Removal toolB
Red Eye Removal toolE
Basic panelCtrl + Alt + 1
Tone Curve panelCtrl + Alt + 2
Detail panelCtrl + Alt + 3
HSL/Grayscale panelCtrl + Alt + 4
Split Toning panelCtrl + Alt + 5
Lens Corrections panelCtrl + Alt + 6
Camera Calibration panelCtrl + Alt + 7
Presets panelCtrl + Alt + 9
Open Snapshots panelCtrl + Alt + 9
Parametric Curve Targeted Adjustment toolCtrl + Alt + Shift + T
Hue Targeted Adjustment toolCtrl + Alt + Shift + H
Saturation Targeted Adjustment toolCtrl + Alt + Shift + S
Luminance Targeted Adjustment toolCtrl + Alt + Shift + L
Grayscale Mix Targeted Adjustment toolCtrl + Alt + Shift + G
Last-used Targeted Adjustment toolT
Adjustment Brush toolK
Graduated Filter toolG
Increase/decrease brush size] / [
Increase/decrease brush featherShift + ] / Shift + [
Increase/decrease Adjustment Brush tool flow in increments of 10= (equal sign) / - (hyphen)
Temporarily switch from Add to Erase mode for theAdjustment Brush tool, or from Erase to Add modeAlt
Increase/decrease temporary Adjustment Brush tool sizeAlt + ] / Alt + [
Increase/decrease temporary Adjustment Brush tool featherAlt + Shift + ] / Alt + Shift + [
Increase/decrease temporary Adjustment Brush tool flow in increments of 10Alt + = (equal sign) / Alt + - (hyphen)
Switch to New mode from Add or Erase mode of theAdjustment Brush tool or the Graduated FilterN
Toggle Auto Mask for Adjustment Brush toolM
Toggle Show Mask for Adjustment Brush toolY
Toggle pins for Adjustment Brush toolV
Toggle overlay for Graduated Filter, Spot Removal tool, or Red Eye Removal tool.V
Rotate image leftL or Ctrl + ]
Rotate image rightR or Ctrl + [
Zoom inCtrl + + (plus)
Zoom outCtrl + - (hyphen)
Temporarily switch to Zoom In toolCtrl
(Doesn’t work when Straighten tool is selected. If Crop tool is active, temporarily switches to Straighten tool.)
Temporarily switch to Zoom Out tool and change the Open Image button to Open Copy and the Cancel button to Reset.Alt
Toggle previewP
Full screen modeF
Temporarily activate the White Balance tool and change the Open Image button to Open Object.Shift
(Does not work if Crop tool is active)
Select multiple points in Curves panelClick the first point; Shift-click additional points
Add point to curve in Curves panelCTRL-click in preview
Move selected point in Curves panel (1 unit)Arrow keys
Move selected point in Curves panel (10 units)Shift-arrow
Open selected images in Camera Raw dialog box from BridgeCtrl + R
Open selected images from Bridge bypassing Camera Raw dialog boxShift + double-click image
Display highlights that will be clipped in PreviewAlt-drag Exposure, Recovery, or Black sliders
Highlight clipping warningO
Shadows clipping warningU
(Filmstrip mode) Add 1 - 5 star ratingCtrl +1 - 5
(Filmstrip mode) Increase/decrease ratingCtrl +. (period) / Ctrl+, (comma)
(Filmstrip mode) Add red labelCtrl + 6
(Filmstrip mode) Add yellow labelCtrl + 7
(Filmstrip mode) Add green labelCtrl + 8
(Filmstrip mode) Add blue labelCtrl + 9
(Filmstrip mode) Add purple labelCtrl + Shift + 0
Camera Raw preferencesCtrl + K
Deletes Adobe Camera Raw preferencesCtrl + Alt (on open)
نافذة فلتر الأسود والأبيض
Open the Black-and-White dialog boxShift + CTRL + Alt + B
Increase/decrease selected value by 1%Up Arrow/Down Arrow
Increase/decrease selected value by 10%Shift + Up Arrow/Down Arrow
Change the values of the closest color sliderClick-drag on the image
Open the Curves dialog boxCTRL + M
Select next point on the curve+ (plus)
Select the previous point on the curve– (minus)
Select multiple points on the curveShift-click the points
Deselect a pointCTRL + D
To delete a point on the curveSelect a point and press Delete
Move the selected point 1 unitArrow keys
Move the selected point 10 unitsShift + Arrow keys
Display highlights and shadows that will be clippedAlt-drag black/white point sliders
Set a point to the composite curveCTRL-click the image
Set a point to the channel curvesShift + CTRL-click the image
Toggle grid sizeAlt-click the field
إختيار او تحريك الأشياء
Reposition marquee while selecting‡Any marquee tool (except single column and single row) + spacebar-drag
Add to a selectionAny selection tool + Shift-drag
Subtract from a selectionAny selection tool + Alt-drag
Intersect a selectionAny selection tool (except Quick Selection tool) + Shift-Alt-drag
Constrain marquee to square or circle (if no other selections are active)‡Shift-drag
Draw marquee from center (if no other selections are active)‡Alt-drag
Constrain shape and draw marquee from center‡Shift + Alt-drag
Switch to Move toolCTRL (except when Hand, Slice, Path, Shape, or any Pen tool is selected)
Switch from Magnetic Lasso tool to Lasso toolAlt-drag
Switch from Magnetic Lasso tool to polygonal Lasso toolAlt-click
Apply/cancel an operation of the Magnetic LassoEnter/Esc or CTRL + . (period)
Move copy of selectionMove tool + Alt-drag selection‡
Move selection area 1 pixelAny selection + Right Arrow, Left Arrow, Up Arrow, or Down Arrow
Move selection 1 pixelMove tool + Right Arrow, Left Arrow, Up Arrow, or Down Arrow‡
Move layer 1 pixel when nothing selected on layerCTRL + Right Arrow, Left Arrow, Up Arrow, or Down Arrow
Increase/decrease detection widthMagnetic Lasso tool + [ or ]
Accept cropping or exit croppingCrop tool + Enter or Esc
Toggle crop shield off and on/ (forward slash)
Make protractorRuler tool + Alt-drag end point
Snap guide to ruler ticks (except when View > Snap is unchecked)Shift-drag guide
Convert between horizontal and vertical guideAlt-drag guide
Transform selections, selection borders, and paths
Transform from center or reflectAlt
CancelCTRL + . (period) or Esc
Free transform with duplicate dataCTRL + Alt + T
Transform again with duplicate dataCTRL + Shift + Alt + T
تعديل الـPaths
Select multiple anchor pointsDirect selection tool + Shift-click
Select entire pathDirect selection tool + Alt-click
Duplicate a pathPen (any Pen tool), Path Selection or Direct Selection tool + CTRL + Alt-drag
Switch from Path Selection, Pen, Add Anchor Point, Delete Anchor Point, or Convert Point tools to Direct Selection toolCTRL
Switch from Pen tool or Freeform Pen tool to Convert Point tool when pointer is over anchor or direction pointAlt
Close pathMagnetic Pen tool-double-click
Close path with straight-line segmentMagnetic Pen tool + Alt-double-click
Select foreground color from color pickerAny painting tool + Shift + Alt + right-click and drag
Select foreground color from image with Eyedropper toolAny painting tool + Alt or any shape tool + Alt (except when Paths option is selected)
Select background colorEyedropper tool + Alt-click
Color sampler toolEyedropper tool + Shift
Deletes color samplerColor sampler tool + Alt-click
Sets opacity, tolerance, strength, or exposure for painting modeAny painting or editing tool + number keys (e.g., 0 = 100%, 1 = 10%, 4 then 5 in quick succession = 45%) (when airbrush option is enabled, use Shift + number keys)
Sets flow for painting modeAny painting or editing tool + Shift + number keys (e.g., 0 = 100%, 1 = 10%, 4 then 5 in quick succession = 45%) (when airbrush option is enabled, omit Shift)
Mixer Brush changes Mix settingAlt + Shift + number
Mixer Brush changes Wet settingNumber keys
Mixer Brush changes Wet and Mix to zero0
Cycle through blending modesShift + + (plus) or – (minus)
Open Fill dialog box on background or standard layerBackspace or Shift + Backspace
Fill with foreground or background colorAlt + Backspace or CTRL + Backspace
Fill from historyCTRL + Alt + Backspace
Displays Fill dialog boxShift + Backspace
Lock transparent pixels on/off/ (forward slash)
Connects points with a straight lineAny painting tool + Shift-click
أوضاع الـBlending
Cycle through blending modesShift + + (plus) or – (minus)
NormalShift + Alt + N
DissolveShift + Alt + I
Behind (Brush tool only)Shift + Alt + Q
Clear (Brush tool only)Shift + Alt + R
DarkenShift + Alt + K
MultiplyShift + Alt + M
Color BurnShift + Alt + B
Linear BurnShift + Alt + A
LightenShift + Alt + G
ScreenShift + Alt + S
Color DodgeShift + Alt + D
Linear DodgeShift + Alt + W
OverlayShift + Alt + O
Soft LightShift + Alt + F
Hard LightShift + Alt + H
Vivid LightShift + Alt + V
Linear LightShift + Alt + J
Pin LightShift + Alt + Z
Hard MixShift + Alt + L
DifferenceShift + Alt + E
ExclusionShift + Alt + X
HueShift + Alt + U
SaturationShift + Alt + T
ColorShift + Alt + C
LuminosityShift + Alt + Y
DesaturateSponge tool + Shift + Alt + D
SaturateSponge tool + Shift + Alt + S
Dodge/burn shadowsDodge tool/Burn tool + Shift + Alt + S
Dodge/burn midtonesDodge tool/Burn tool + Shift + Alt + M
Dodge/burn highlightsDodge tool/Burn tool + Shift + Alt + H
Set blending mode to Threshold for bitmap images, Normal for all other imagesShift + Alt + N
إختيار او تحرير النص
Move type in imageCTRL-drag type when Type layer is selected
Select 1 character left/right or 1 line down/up, or 1 word left/rightShift + Left Arrow/Right Arrow or Down Arrow/Up Arrow, or CTRL + Shift + Left Arrow/Right Arrow
Select characters from insertion point to mouse click pointShift-click
Move 1 character left/right, 1 line down/up, or 1 word left/rightLeft Arrow/Right Arrow, Down Arrow/Up Arrow, or CTRL + Left Arrow/Right Arrow
Create a new text layer, when a text layer is selected in the Layers panelShift-click
Select a word, line, paragraph, or storyDouble-click, triple-click, quadruple-click, or quintuple-click
Show/Hide selection on selected typeCTRL + H
Display the bounding box for transforming text when editing text, or activate Move tool if cursor is inside the bounding boxCTRL
Scale text within a bounding box when resizing the bounding boxCTRL-drag a bounding box handle
Move text box while creating text boxSpacebar-drag
نوع التنسيق
Align left, center, or rightHorizontal Type tool + CTRL + Shift + L, C, or R
Align top, center, or bottomVertical Type tool + CTRL + Shift + L, C, or R
Choose 100% horizontal scaleCTRL + Shift + X
Choose 100% vertical scaleCTRL + Shift + Alt + X
Choose Auto leadingCTRL + Shift + Alt + A
Choose 0 for trackingCTRL + Shift + Q
Justify paragraph, left aligns last lineCTRL + Shift + J
Justify paragraph, justifies allCTRL + Shift + F
Toggle paragraph hyphenation on/offCTRL + Shift + Alt + H
Toggle single/every-line composer on/offCTRL + Shift + Alt + T
Decrease or increase type size of selected text 2 points or pixelsCTRL + Shift + < or >
Decrease or increase leading 2 points or pixelsAlt + Down Arrow or Up Arrow
Decrease or increase baseline shift 2 points or pixelsShift + Alt + Down Arrow or Up Arrow
Decrease or increase kerning/tracking 20/1000 emsAlt + Left Arrow or Right Arrow
Set options for new items (except for Actions, Animation, Styles, Brushes, Tool Presets, and Layer Comps panels)Alt-click New button
Delete without confirmation (except for the Brush panel)Alt-click Delete button
Apply value and keep text box activeShift + Enter
Show/Hide all panelsTab
Show/Hide all panels except the toolbox and options barShift + Tab
Highlight options barSelect tool and press Enter
Increase/decrease selected values by 10Shift + Up Arrow/Down Arrow
Adjustment layers
Choose specific channel for adjustmentAlt + 3 (red), 4 (green), 5 (blue)
Choose composite channel for adjustmentAlt + 2
Delete adjustment layerDelete or Backspace
Define Auto options for Levels or CurvesAlt-click Auto button
لوحة الفرش
Delete brushAlt-click brush
Rename brushDouble-click brush
Change brush sizeAlt + right-click + drag left or right
Decrease/increase brush softness/hardnessAlt + right-click + drag up or down
Select previous/next brush size, (comma) or . (period)
Select first/last brushShift + , (comma) or . (period)
Display precise cross hair for brushesCaps Lock or Shift + Caps Lock
Toggle airbrush optionShift + Alt + P
لوحة إستنساخ المصادر
Show Clone Source (overlays image)Alt + ⇧
Nudge Clone SourceAlt + ⇧ + arrow keys
Rotate Clone SourceAlt + ⇧ + < or >
Scale (increase or reduce size) Clone SourceAlt + ⇧ + [ or ]
لوحة الألوان
Select background colorAlt-click color in color bar
Display Color Bar menuRight-click color bar
Cycle through color choicesShift-click color bar
لوحة السجل
Create a new snapshotAlt + New Snapshot
Rename snapshotDouble-click snapshot name
Step forward through image statesCTRL + Shift + Z
Step backward through image statesCTRL + Alt + Z
Duplicate any image state, except the current stateAlt-click the image state
Permanently clear history (no Undo)Alt + Clear History (in History panel pop‑up menu)
لوحة الـLayers
Load layer transparency as a selectionCTRL-click layer thumbnail
Add to current selectionCTRL + Shift-click layer thumbnail
Subtract from current selectionCTRL + Alt-click layer thumbnail
Intersect with current selectionCTRL + Shift + Alt-click layer thumbnail
Load filter mask as a selectionCTRL-click filter mask thumbnail
New layerCTRL + Shift+ N
New layer via copyCTRL + J
New layer via cutShift + CTRL + J
Group layersCTRL + G
Ungroup layersCTRL + Shift + G
Create/release clipping maskCTRL + Alt + G
Select all layersCTRL + Alt + A
Merge visible layersCTRL + Shift + E
Create new empty layer with dialog boxAlt-click New Layer button
Create new layer below target layerCTRL-click New Layer button
Select top layerAlt + . (period)
Select bottom layerAlt + , (comma)
Add to layer selection in Layers panelShift + Alt + [ or ]
Select next layer down/upAlt + [ or ]
Move target layer down/upCTRL + [ or ]
Merge a copy of all visible layers into target layerCTRL + Shift + Alt + E
Merge layersHighlight layers you want to merge, then CTRL + E
Move layer to bottom or topCTRL + Shift + [ or ]
Copy current layer to layer belowAlt + Merge Down command from the Panel pop‑up menu
Merge all visible layers to a new layer above the currently selected layerAlt + Merge Visible command from the Panel pop‑up menu
Show/hide this layer/layer group only or all layers/layer groupsRight-click the eye icon
Show/hide all other currently visible layersAlt-click the eye icon
Toggle lock transparency for target layer, or last applied lock/ (forward slash)
Edit layer effect/style, optionsDouble-click layer effect/style
Hide layer effect/styleAlt-double-click layer effect/style
Edit layer styleDouble-click layer
Disable/enable vector maskShift-click vector mask thumbnail
Open Layer Mask Display Options dialog boxDouble-click layer mask thumbnail
Toggle layer mask on/offShift-click layer mask thumbnail
Toggle filter mask on/offShift-click filter mask thumbnail
Toggle between layer mask/composite imageAlt-click layer mask thumbnail
Toggle between filter mask/composite imageAlt-click filter mask thumbnail
Toggle rubylith mode for layer mask on/off\ (backslash), or Shift + Alt-click
Select all type; temporarily select Type toolDouble-click type layer thumbnail
Create a clipping maskAlt-click the line dividing two layers
Rename layerDouble-click the layer name
Edit filter settingsDouble-click the filter effect
Edit the Filter Blending optionsDouble-click the Filter Blending icon
Create new layer group below current layer/layer setCTRL-click New Group button
Create new layer group with dialog boxAlt-click New Group button
Create layer mask that hides all/selectionAlt-click Add Layer Mask button
Create vector mask that reveals all/path areaCTRL-click Add Layer Mask button
Create vector mask that hides all or displays path areaCTRL + Alt-click Add Layer Mask button
Display layer group propertiesRight-click layer group and choose Group Properties, or double-click group
Select/deselect multiple contiguous layersShift-click
Select/deselect multiple discontiguous layersCTRL-click
لوحة الـPaths
Load path as selectionCTRL-click pathname
Add path to selectionCTRL + Shift-click pathname
Subtract path from selectionCTRL + Alt-click pathname
Retain intersection of path as selectionCTRL + Shift + Alt-click pathname
Hide pathCTRL + Shift + H
Set options for Fill Path with Foreground Color button, Stroke Path with Brush button, Load Path as a Selection button, Make Work Path from Selection button, and Create New Path buttonAlt-click button
لوحة الـSwatches
Create new swatch from foreground colorClick in empty area of panel
Set swatch color as background colorCTRL-click swatch
Delete swatchAlt-click swatch